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Policy Forum for Wales - Next steps for skills development in Wales

This conference will look at next steps for skills development and apprenticeships in Wales.

Chris Meadows, Director, is speaking at the event to discuss key areas for skills development in Wales.

The stakeholders and policymakers will discuss the Net Zero Skills Action Plan, published in February as part of the Welsh Government’s overarching Stronger, fairer, greener Wales: a plan for employability and skills.

The plan sets out a framework aimed at facilitating upskilling, tackling economic inequality, ensuring fair work practices, and supporting for the labour force, with specific focus on future generations and individuals with long-term health conditions.

Delegates will examine its progress so far, including on the Government’s target to create 125,000 all-age apprenticeships over the course of the 2021-2026 Senedd.

They will discuss priority areas going forward for apprenticeship uptake and provision, and facilitating growth in future skills, such as those in innovation, and the green and creative sectors.

The conference will also be an opportunity to consider progress in meeting the ambitions of the Young Person’s Guarantee, as well as the ongoing Qualifications Wales consultation on The Full 14-16 Qualifications Offer, which aims to widen alternative qualification pathways for 14-16 year olds, with proposals including:

  • a Skills Suite with an Integral Skills Project qualification
  • pre-vocational qualifications in broad occupational areas
  • foundation qualifications to supplement the new GCSEs


Speakers will also examine key areas for skills and apprenticeship development, including addressing skills imbalances and shortages, economic inactivity and unemployment, raising the appeal of, and access to, apprenticeships and other qualifications - as well as what more is needed to foster a culture of lifelong learning in Wales.

We are pleased to be able to include keynote sessions with Cassy Taylor, Director of Qualifications Policy and Reform, Qualifications Wales; Sarah John, Director, ALS Training; and Board Member, National Training Federation for Wales; and Nerys Bourne, Director of Customer Strategy and Service Development, Careers Wales.

Overall, the agenda includes discussion on:

  • Stronger, fairer, greener Wales and Net Zero Skills Action Plan: taking the strategies forward - identifying investment priorities - addressing skills imbalances and shortages in the Welsh labour market - fostering inclusive economic growth through skills development
  • apprenticeship development: widening access and addressing barriers to apprenticeship uptake and further training - increasing appeal and participation - ongoing work-based learning pathways for employers and individuals
  • priority growth areas for investment: developing key future skills - digital, green, and innovation sectors - options for developing skills in creative industries
  • lifelong learning: creating a culture of lifelong learning - promoting re-training and up-skilling for all ages - developing access and awareness of adult learning
  • Young Person’s Guarantee: whole-system approach to supporting future generations and identifying new ways to support young people - increasing accessibility for under 25s to work, education, training and self-employment
  • The Full 14-16 Qualifications Offer: diversifying the way young people can become qualified - meeting the future needs of leaners and preparing them for work and life 

The conference will be an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who are due to attend from Cadw; DESNZ; DWP; Department of Education, NI; IPO; MAC; Senedd Cymru; and the Welsh Government.

Wednesday 12

July 2023

8:30 AM

Wednesday 12

July 2023

12:55 PM

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