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Project Title: Socrates (SilicOn Carbide tRAnsistor Trench procEsS)

Total Investment: £137,423

Funded Period: Jan 21 - Sep 21

Project summary:

SOCRATES will introduce silicon carbide (SiC) and GaN trench processing technologies to the UK, establishing a critical capability into the PEMD supply chain for power transistors. This 9-month project will define the critical semiconductor manufacturing processing steps required for introducing a disruptive SiC power MOSFET supply chain for automotive power electronics to the UK, aligned with the goals of the Driving the Electric Revolution (DER) initiative. We will establish a new UK SiC manufacturing capability - developing Trench MOSFET technology within the Materials and Components DER Centre and critically, pilot SiC trench etch processing, whilst also developing a backside SiC etch process module for future VGaN-on-SiC devices.


  • To establish an industry scaled-up trench etch process for SiC and GaN power devices.
  • To develop an in-line SiC trench process for high volume manufacturing.


Get in touch with the team on projects@csconnected.com to find out more about the Socrates project.
